Welcome to GW Forwarding!

Located in Hamburg, servicing the whole world!

With our focus on customer service and partnerships all over the supply chain, we are developing tailor-made solutions for customers that are fast, efficient and safe!




With partnerships to seafreight carriers in all seafreight alliances, we can offer the right vessel departure for the right price no matter your cargo size!

From the smallest package to various numbers of containers, we will find the right solution.


Click here for your international seafreight offer.


Project Logistics

If your cargo exceeds the size of standard containers, we have the fix for you!

With our know-how we can offer you various possibilities for your cargo, depending on size, commodity and destination.

If OOG / Flatrack containers, Ro/Ro or breakbulk options, anything is possible!

Just contact us here for any queries regarding your special cargo!



What sets us apart is our dedication and passion for logistics. 

We believe that the way to proper customer service is partnerships with all parts of the supply chain.

With GW Forwarding you receive hand-made logistic solutions, instead of digitalized, unflexible logistics without a face to it.


GW Forwarding GmbH


Klopstockstrasse 15

22765 Hamburg


Email: contact@gw-freight.com

Telephone: +49 (0)40 3022 6984

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